Before you sign that contract and get that cash through a Payday Loan, find out how much it can cost you in the long run (given the interest rates as high as 20% A MONTH!).
You may have an unforeseen medical expense. Maybe there was a tuition fee increase. Or maybe the roof needs some repairs due to torrential rains. Whatever the circumstance may be, there are times when we need cash outside our monthly budget. At these times, getting a loan may be the smart move to make.
Sadly, not all loans are created equal. There are some that are fair when it comes to interest rates, such as banks and reputable lending companies. Others, such as Payday Loans, can wreck havoc in your life. Take a look at just how much of a financial damage it can make:
Before getting a Payday Loan, make sure to check all other options first. Better yet, get a legit loan without the predatory interest rates. is the country’s largest network of legitimate lenders in the Philippines. Our team of Loan Concierges will look for loans that you qualify for, at the best rates, for no charge. With our 3-Step Loan Application, you’ll find out which banks and lending companies you qualify a loan for.