Benefits of Using Credit Cards and Personal Loan

Is your expenditure more than your earnings? If you are spending more than your earnings you must not be able to pay the bills on time. It is very common that sometimes you tend to spend more and are not able to manage the finance well. Sometimes the problem arises when you do not even have the minimum balance with you in your account. The best way to manage your finance is using the credit cards. Today the credit cards are designed such where the rewards points are given to the user.

There is lesser risk in carrying credit cards with you rather than carrying the cash with you if you go on a vacation. Credits cards are safer to use. Moreover, people can redeem rewards points and you can also use them for dining or spending overseas. Bonus points are provided when you use the credit card overseas and it also comes with insurance cover if you buy the air tickets by using the credit card. If you are not able to meet your expenses because of the shortage of money, not only credit card helps you in this, but you can also take the personal loan which can help you. You can get the personal loan at better interest rates for good amount of time. You can either opt for credit cards or personal loans by whichever you can manage your finance well.


Various are the Benefits provided on credit cards and personal loans which can help you meet expenses on time. You get the reward points on the credit cards.  Some of the benefits of taking the personal loans and using the credit cards are as follows:-

  • Universally accepted – there are various payment networks of the credit cards such as MasterCard, visa and American express. These are accepted anywhere you go and you can use it without any risk. Moreover, some shops are there where only credit card is accepted so it is beneficial to have the credit card.
  • Manage expenses –sometimes, the low interest rate is provided on the personal loan than the credit cards. You can use your cash easily for any purchase you want to make. If you are not able to do with the expenses than with the personal loan it can be managed well. Moreover, it smooths the cash flow so the personal loan can be really helpful if you need cash.
  • Purchase protection – with any credit card you have, the purchase protection is provided as the return protection policy is offered on some credit cards. Some credit cards offer various benefits along with the bonus points also.

Thus, you can carry the credit card during the holidays and you can use it anywhere. The personal loan comes with lower interest rates and it will help you to manage your expenses well.

When you apply for credit cards or personal loan from  card comparison platforms in different markets like in Malaysia, in US, in Australia, there are various exclusive deals and other privileges provided, on approvals.

Written by Maricor Bunal

Mari writes for Loansolutions to help educate people in making informed-decisions on taking out loans and becoming responsible borrowers. Being the COO, she feels it is her social responsibility to do so. Learn more from her as she shares tips, advises and stories on finance. Also, she's fond of 9GAG, so you might read some random stuff over here.

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